General Question

jlm11f's avatar

How do you resolve the javascript error in Youtube videos?

Asked by jlm11f (12416points) June 12th, 2008

I have had this problem for a while but finally decided to stop being lazy, take a screenshot and find out what’s going on. On certain youtube videos, I cannot see the video because it says my javascript is turned off or i am using an old version of Adobe flash player. So I usually have to download the video and watch it via VLC. But the SAME video works for me if I watch it from the uploader’s profile page and this problem is not with some specific uploader’s. For example, if a user uploaded 2 videos, one might work for me and the other won’t. The screenshot example was taken from this video . As the screenshot shows, it tells me to download a new flash player, which I have down countless times to no avail. I think it has to do with javascript but I also think my javascript is turned on (though I am not sure, how do i figure that out?). I use Windows XP, and the problem is in any browser (FF, IE). How do I fix this?

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11 Answers

osullivanbr's avatar

Let’s make sure Javascript is turned on. So into Tools, Options, Content, and have a lok and see if javascript is enabled or not. I turned mine off there and got exactly the same screen as you’re showing, probably just that. Let me know yeah.
That’s Firefox now btw

jlm11f's avatar

@ osullivanbr – Javascript is enabled in my FF. in the “advanced” portion of it, is everything supposed to be checked?

osullivanbr's avatar

Not necessarily.

To be honest. My only other advice would be to completely uninstall flash, and then re-install. Not just upgrade. Try using this.

I’ll keep looking for another solution for you in the meantime.
Wish I could be more help

jlm11f's avatar

No you are helping! Seriously, thank you for trying. Okay, I have used the uninstaller you linked me to. But To reinstall, it seems I have two options. Option 1 is for Mozilla/Netscape/Opera browsers and option 2 is for IE browser. I use firefox and IE equally. which one should i choose? or should i install both?

osullivanbr's avatar

Both. Well do the firefox one first and see if it did the trick for you.

jlm11f's avatar

Yeah that’s what I ended up doing. Flash is definitely back on but the video won’t work. Bahhhhhhh! Doesn’t anyone else have this problem?

jlm11f's avatar

Okay. I just tried everything from the link. No luck. Thanks for helping though! I really appreciate it.

osullivanbr's avatar

Yeah. I’m all out. Let’s throw it out to the collective again.

In the meantime, I have a spare computer in the kitchen, that you can use. I’ll leave the front door unlocked.

jlm11f's avatar

Okay sounds good, will you leave out milk and cookies too ? :)

osullivanbr's avatar

Well obviously. And a nice slice of cake too.

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