General Question

LadyMarissa's avatar

Have you noticed that the SCOTUS raped our Miranda rights today?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16136points) June 25th, 2022

Start here. They didn’t overturn the Miranda, but you can now NO longer sue IF they neglect to read you your rights. Most lawyers are recommending that IF you get arrested that you KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!! Then you ask for a lawyer. Anybody else think that asking for a lawyer will be a waste of time??? Any other thoughts???

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8 Answers

SergeantQueen's avatar

Thoughts? Fuck SCOTUS.

Just so everyone knows, the police only have to legally read you your rights if ALL the following apply: 1) they are an active LEO 2) They are asking incriminating questions 3) the person being asked is in custody.

Jeruba's avatar

It will not surprise me to see a cascade of (by my measure) adverse rulings exploding on us, Trump-news-style, one after another so rapidly that we can’t fully take in one before the next comes, and we quickly become exhausted by trying.

Putin’s playbook says to keep throwing destabilizing forces out there onto a fatigued populace that will then vote for someone who promises stability, no matter how. Sound like anything we’ve seen around here?

JLoon's avatar

It’s part of the “incremental” strategy right wing “judicial activists” have been using for over 20 years to erode civil liberites. The admitted goal is to turn political, social, and legal conditions back to 1960:

It sucks, but it’s just the first bite out of your right against self incrimination, and illegal search & siezure.

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elbanditoroso's avatar

@LadyMarissa It doesn’t matter.

The White Christians are happy – the Supreme Court once again gave them what they wanted. The rest of us can rot in hell, according to the Supreme Court.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@elbanditoroso I don’t think that it’s going to be the “rest of us” who will be rotting in Hell…I believe there will be a LOT of shocked souls once they cross over!!!

BTW, I’m a White Christian & I do NOT relate to nor agree with anything that’s going on right now!!!

jca2's avatar

@LadyMarissa: I’m a Christian and I disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision, too. I think many people equite Christianity with fundamental Christianity, which is not the case. Many Christians (dare I say “most”) are not fundamental, bible thumping, put your hands together for Jesus types.

LadyMarissa's avatar

There’s fundamentalists in every aspect of life. It doesn’t necessarily make them “right” nor does it automatically make them “wrong” either!!! I’d love to see us going back to “civil” debates where BOTH sides LISTEN to each other!!! I’m seeing a LOT of adults throwing temper tantrums much like a 2 year old throws when they don’t get their way!!!

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